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Media statement regarding Victorian Hotel Quarantine Inquiry - 27th August 2020

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27 August 2020

Media statement regarding Victorian Hotel Quarantine Inquiry

Wilson Security is disappointed to have learned in today’s hearing that a senior DJPR executive encouraged colleagues to make baseless claims disparaging Wilson’s performance, on the very day that our work commenced on the program.  

The evidence given was that these comments were made for reasons unrelated to Wilson.

Wilson Security refused to compromise on its infection control measures, even when instructed to do so by department staff. This meant, at times, not performing some duties, including; delivering food, and carrying guest’s bags.

The risks associated with these duties – which were not part of the original brief - were reviewed in consultation with Wilson’s health and safety team and independent Chief Medical Advisor.

Our focus was on maintaining infection control measures.

Wilson swiftly addressed all operational matters. We took a zero-tolerance approach regarding any performance concerns, and guards who failed to meet Wilson’s standards were stood down and removed from site; a fact confirmed today in questioning of witnesses representing DJPR by Wilson’s SC; Robert Craig.

We believe our approach, management and zero-tolerance regarding any performance concerns ensured that Wilson Security had no positive COVID-19 cases amongst its staff in the Victorian hotel quarantine program, a fact that has not been widely reported.

Wilson Security did not provide services to The Rydges on Swanston or The Stamford Plaza or any of the six hotels of interest to the Inquiry.