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Public Statement Regarding Quarantine Hotels

Wilson Security response to the Final COVID-19 Hotel Quarantine Inquiry Report

The final report from the Inquiry into Victoria’s hotel quarantine program has been tabled in Victoria’s Parliament today.  Wilson Security is pleased that our efforts have been commended, and that the Board confirms that Wilson Security demonstrated industry leading standards and an unwavering commitment to the right approach in our provision of private security to the program.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our customers and employees for their ongoing loyalty, trust and support since the Inquiry was established in July.

The final report findings commend Wilson Security’s contribution to the core purpose of the program in its focus on infection control standards, and the Board’s legal team throughout the Inquiry hearings described our service delivery as being “driven by a greater experience and understanding of the logistical complexity of this operation and a greater sense perhaps of the risks that it posed to staff.”

Throughout this process we have cooperated fully with all requests for information and are pleased that the evidence and statements we supplied to the Inquiry demonstrated how private security could be used to support the objectives of the hotel quarantine program in Victoria, with the right governance and processes and infection control measures in place.

From the outset, we focused as much on infection control measures as we did on operational issues based on years of experience in assessing and managing risk in complex environments. Further, we sought specialist medical advice to ensure we had the right processes in place, and it is pleasing to see this recognised in the final report;

“Wilson Security Pty Ltd (Wilson) had a significant suite of policies, practices and supports to mitigate the risk of virus transmission”

Wilson Security, as a leading security provider in Australia and a trusted advisor and service partner to Federal and State government agencies, and private organisations, now looks forward to the continued drive for greater standard of compliance across the industry.

Jose Da Silva
Group CEO & Executive Director – Wilson Group

Nick Frangoulis
Chief Executive Officer - Wilson Security