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Stephen Keymer Celebrates 25 years of service

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We are honored to congratulate Steve Keymer for his 25 years of service at Wilson Security. To celebrate this monumental achievement and loyalty, we interviewed Steve about his time and experiences at our company.

Steve has spent the last 25 years at Wilson Security as a site manager and shift supervisor, working with a wide variety of clients in several sectors. Steve’s career at Wilson Security is spectacular to say the least, having been stationed alongside key figureheads, developers, associations, celebrities, and professional athletes overlooking operations and security management at these sites.

One of Steve's career highlights at Wilson Security has been assisting in the deterrence of youth crime.  During this time, with the assistance of local law enforcement, was able to drastically reduce crime in the area. As a result of his work, Steve unknowingly assisted local authorities in the investigation of an ongoing case that was solved due to his diligence. Steve received a letter of gratitude and acknowledgement from the local authorities for his contribution because of his assistance.

Steve is currently a site manager at a local council, where he and his team protect and overview key assets and community buildings. Steve describes this current station as the best client he has worked for, especially in the way that they collaborate with Steve and seek his advice and council on security management.

Steve Keymer’s career at Wilson has been one in which he personally says, “He wouldn’t change a thing”.

Steve is the epitome of what Wilson Security represents – he’s a hard worker who has a genuine care for community safety and the wellbeing of others. We would like to congratulate Steve for the role he has played within the organisation and once again would like to applaud him on this monumental milestone in his career.