Body worn cameras for front line workers

Help to protect your staff with body worn cameras
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Body Worn Cameras
Staff in public-facing roles who don’t feel safe at work are more likely to leave the company, utilise employer healthcare services at a higher rate, or bring insurance and legal claims against the employer when a safety incident occurs.
Employers who provide body-worn cameras as part of an employee health, safety and accountability program can find success in reducing workplace security and safety threats and its negative impact on their business and customers.
Body-worn cameras are designed to extend and enrich your current video security program by providing live, first-person perspective video and audio from confrontational incidents between staff members and the public.
- Remote alarm activation
- Customer-friendly design, flexible and scalable
- A range of sizes, features and budgets
- Seamless integration with existing CCTV
- Requires minimal interaction
- Video management system integration
- Its presence can help to de-escalate confrontational situations
- It is lightweight and can easily be attached to any uniform
Body worn Cameras